【】A Twitch stream is following

A Twitch stream is following。 Grand Theft Auto V。NPCs around today as they walk around the streets of San Andreas, crying hysterically. 。
Watch live video from bwatanabe on www.twitch.tv。The last time we saw the San Andreas Community Cam -- created as an art project by Brent Watanabe -- it was following a deer in a slightly modded version of the game. The deer got into all sorts of antics, including getting shot at and chased by the cops, and somehow surviving pretty much everything thrown its way.。
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The stream makes its return today in time for the inauguration of our 45th president. Watanabe is using the same basic programming as the deer that, in this case, allows the citizens to wander around and make decisions of their own accord. The only difference is the audio recordings (of what surely must be ugly crying) attached to them. 。

According to its website, donations to the webcam go directly to Planned Parenthood.。
According to its website, donations to the webcam go directly to Planned Parenthood. 。
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