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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson just schooled us all on how to do Mother's Day. 。
Yesterday, Johnson posted a long, heartfelt message to his girlfriend Lauren Hashian that set the bar really high.。
SEE ALSO:Ryan Reynolds' tweet about his mom just hands down won Mother's Day 。He posted an image of his "main squeeze" and his "little main squeezes," which included newborn Tiana Gia and 2-year-old Jasmine Lia and dedicated the Instagram post to Hashian. He expressed how much he loves and appreciates everything she does for the family in a beautiful, and uniquely-phrased message of love. 。
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"I'm in constant respect and grateful awe of all the things this incredible mama accomplishes on a daily basis," he wrote before giving a list. "Having a 2-and-half-year-old and a newborn attached and clinging to her 24/7. Managing the wonderfully fun, Terrible twos with Jazzy. The 'Hi, I need to eat every three hours and preferably from your boob.'"。

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He praised her for the scarifies she makes to fit their lives together.。
"As an artist and businessman myself, I recognize how incredible hard this part is, of her job is. She's a brilliant and visionary storyteller and lyrically gifted - all qualities that are hard to tap into when you're managing this nonstop life of ours," he expressed.。 The。The。
Fast and Furious 。
actor didn't stop there. He pointed out that he's most proud of her smile and kindness. He mentioned that it runs in the family, "and so does kicking ass, so don't ever get on her bad side."。
He ended with, "Take a bow and queen it up - you're an amazing mama and amazing mamas make this world go around."。
And that folks, is how you honor your significant other. 。
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