Netflix's Gilmore Girls revival has barely been out in the world for a day, but fans are already in the throes of visceral reactions.
Whether you've binged it all and are only awake now because of all the coffee — or you're waiting, for some inexplicable reason, you will feel all these reactions on a deep, spiritual level. Below are some spoiler-free Gilmore teasers to lure you back to Stars Hollow.
SEE ALSO:Follow 'Gilmore Girls' through the seasons with our recapsTweet may have been deleted
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Popular themes include bingeing all four 90-minute episodes in one sitting and then having to cope with the emotional upheaval.
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Of course, the emotions can start sooner. If you haven't watched, stock up on tissues.
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Oh, and those last four words? No spoilers here, but... GET READY.
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If you have the emotional fortitude to plan a theme for your feels, kudos to you.
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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Lifeis now streaming on Netflix.
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