【】A Pomeranian: 90% fur and 10% dog

Forget Shark Week, it’s Bark Week on Mashable. Join us as we celebrate all the good dogs, which we humans do not deserve. 。
When it all becomes too much, it's important to have an outlet.。
Thanks for signing up!。 Sure, yoga is good, and reading a good book is nice. But we're here to talk about the greatest activity of all: looking at fluffy dogs. Not just regular fluffy dogs, either. We're talking。 very。
very。fluffy dogs. Like, dogs whose Embark tests would probably come back "100 percent cotton ball."。

SEE ALSO:People really want their dogs to chill out with CBD and demand is sky high。

A chow chow sticking out its purple tongue。

A rough collie flaunting its gorgeous coat。

A Pomeranian: 90% fur and 10% dog 。

PomeranianCredit: Richard Stabler/Getty Images 。

Deutscher wolfspitz is sitting in a green grass. Keeshond or german spitz.; Shutterstock ID 1131973280; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / Tikhomirov Sergey。

Purebred Samoyed dog outdoors in a Sunny winter day.; Shutterstock ID 774050992; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / Nikolay_Alekhin。

little pomeranian puppy ; Shutterstock ID 1121352383; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / NASTIA KHITIAEVA。

Wet Newfoundland puppy dog outdoor portrait at ocean beach; Shutterstock ID 1098725033; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / everydoghasastory。

Cute Puppy Pomeranian.; Shutterstock ID 1127092775; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / Tatyana Kuznetsova。

Summer outdoors portrait of beautiful cute black German miniature spitz. Fluffy, smiling pomeranian dog sitting with background of meadow flowers. Adorable little pom outdoors on hot sunny day; Shutterstock ID 1123185548; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / Lisjatina。

A purebred Coton de Tulear dog without leash outdoors in the nature on a sunny day.; Shutterstock ID 339633200; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / BIGANDT.COM。

Outdoors portrait of cute and fluffy blue merle shetland sheepdog male. Gray little sheltie, obedient lassie dog with sable and white markings lies outdoors on sunny summer day; Shutterstock ID 1136969147; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / Lisjatina 。

Tibetan mastiff dog puppy; Shutterstock ID 1133504642; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / olena2552。
And a Pomeranian-husky mix who is grouchy, but still good (A mood)。
Cute pomsky mini husky puppy standing looking at the camera seen from the side on a white background; Shutterstock ID 1034633875; Project Name: ; Requested By: ; Client/Licensee: Credit: Shutterstock / MirasWonderland。
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