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People all over the world are lining up for the iPhone 7 (and iPhone 7 Plus, if they pre-ordered) Friday. But it might surprise you to learn that a bunch of stand-in robots probably got one before you did. 。
SEE ALSO:Thought you'd buy yourself an iPhone 7 on Friday?SEE ALSO:Thought you'd buy yourself an iPhone 7 on Friday? Too bad, UK.。
New Zealand-based Apple carrier Spark used robots to queue for the much coveted device, so their human counterparts didn't have to line up for days.。
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The 100 Alpha 1 robots were purchased by Spark for this specific purposes, and have been chilling outside the store since Sept. 9.。
The humans assigned to each robot had the option of watching a live stream of the queue from the comfort of their warm, dry home.。
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Controlled through the customers soon-to-be-replaced phone (via an app), the robots can be commanded to do pushups, kung fu, yoga and even have a casual boogie. As an added incentive, customers also got to keep the bot at the end of it all. 。
What a time to be alive. 。
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