
Mystery Science Theater 3000 is coming back, and returning to its original home: Minneapolis.
Thanks to a successful, ongoing Kickstarter campaign by Rifftrax, where many MST3K alumni ended up finding work, the cast of the classic snarkfest is reuniting.
The reunion will bring together all of the show's original faces: Michael J. Nelson (Mike Nelson), Kevin Murphy (Tom Servo), Bill Corbett (Crow T. Robot), Frank Conniff (TV’s Frank), Trace Beaulieu (Dr. Clayton Forrester, Crow T. Robot), Mary Jo Pehl (Pearl Forrester) and Bridget Nelson (Nuveena, Mr. B Natural). MST3K creator and host Joel Hodgson will also return with revival host Jonah Ray.
After its first year on KTMA Minneapolis from 1988-1989, MST3K moved to Comedy Central (then known as The Comedy Channel) and eventually to The Sci-Fi Channel. Altogether, the series ran from 1988 through 1999.
The special MST3K reunion will be filmed and broadcast in movie theaters on June 28. Tickets to see it live in Minneapolis go on sale April 15.
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