【】Credit: javareallysucks/reddit
发布时间:2025-01-18 15:43:49 作者:玩站小弟 我要评论
Fact: Puppies are the cutest. Corgi puppies, even more so.。SEE ALSO:Gather round and be blessed by t
Fact: Puppies are the cutest. Corgi puppies, even more so.。
SEE ALSO:Gather round and be blessed by this precious puppy's 'newborn' photoshoot 。So can we blame the internet for wanting to Photoshop this adorable corgi puppy into as many different places as possible?
Credit: javareallysucks/reddit。
No. We cannot. In fact, we encourage and we celebrate the results of this incredible Reddit Photoshop battle. Thank you for spreading this happy corgi everywhere it seemed appropriate, and even some places where it wasn't appropriate.。
We first travel to Spain, where this pupper is about to teach some bulls how actual running is done.。We first travel to Spain, where this pupper is about to teach some bulls how actual running is done.。
Credit: stupidphotoshop/reddit 。This pup is so photogenic that Reddit made it the spokesdog for its new dog food.。
Credit: KrombopulosJeff/Reddit。Someone imagined this puppy as the next city-wrecking monster. With a face like that, we should just let him do it. 。
Credit: ]workingat7/reddit 。His cuteness is so overwhelming, even cheetahs can't handle it.。
Credit: useingatlin/reddit 。This doggo is also active in the community, doing his part to promote equality for all.。
Credit: albo_underhill/reddit。You never know what cute beasts live deep in the desert.。
Credit: AttackPony/reddit 。We would risk the zombies to pet this pup.。
Credit: ]smudgyboar/reddit 。This corgi truly loves everyone, even letting Putin hitch a ride.。
Credit: gnostic_cat/reddit 。With a smile like that, this pup is ready for Hollywood. He looks right at home in Forrest Gump.。
Credit: goodboyotis/Reddit 。
Keep cutin' it up, doggo. The internet loves you.。
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