
There are subtle ways to protest Donald Trump. Then there's putting up a billboard with mushroom clouds and dollar signs that look like swastikas.
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The billboard from artist Karen Fiorito went up in downtown Phoenix on Friday afternoon and (surprise!) some Trump supporters were not too happy about it.
SEE ALSO:The White House doesn't want to call it Trumpcare, so Stephen Colbert's going to call it Trumpcare"I've been called a communist, a Satan worshiper," she told USA Today. "I've been told I'm a 'very, very sick person.' I'm not sure what that means. I haven't been answering the phone. My husband has because he's not afraid to talk to anyone, but he told me he received a couple death threats this morning."
On Twitter, angry pro-Trump users sent plenty of insults Fiorito's way. The artist, who lives in Santa Monica, California, anticipated the backlash.
The owner of the billboard said the artwork would remain up for as long as Trump remained president. Perhaps the commander-in-chief will respond to the controversy after he's done playing a few rounds of golf ... again.
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