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  发布时间:2024-09-20 05:42:27   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
PHILADELPHIA -- Donald Trump has seemed intent on getting his fans to "watch" polls on Election Day, 。

PHILADELPHIA -- Donald Trump has seemed intent on getting his fans to "watch" polls on Election Day, particularly in heavily Democratic Philadelphia, where he had asked supporters to "go around and watch other polling places.”

But in the City of Brotherly Love on Tuesday, voters mostly laughed off the idea that marauding bands of Trump supporters would show up at polling places to stop them from casting ballots.。

SEE ALSO:Trump just filed his first election lawsuit, ahead of schedule。

SEE ALSO:Trump just filed his first election lawsuit, ahead of schedule 。 Not a single person。Mashable。

spoke with in the city had seen or heard of Trump supporters intimidating anyone at the polls, and most of them didn't seem phased by the possibility.。 "We don't worry about that," Donnamarie Bailey, a veteran poll volunteer at Holsey Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, told 。"We don't worry about that," Donnamarie Bailey, a veteran poll volunteer at Holsey Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, told。

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And they have been. Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams reported no "founded allegations of voter intimidation in Philadelphia" as of 2 p.m. ET. Conservative activist James O'Keefe spent part of his day tailing a pastor's van as the pastor took voters to the polls, but Williams said he hadn't received any intimidation complaints as a result. 。

Tweet may have been deleted 。Tweet may have been deleted。He also added that "there is nothing illegal about taking people to vote."。

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By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 。 Thanks for signing up!。Tweet may have been deleted。

Several Clinton voters in Philadelphia just shook their heads and chuckled to themselves at the thought of Trump supporter intimidation.。

"I'm not really for Donald Trump's shenanigans," Stephanie Green, who brought her young daughter along to vote, told。 Mashable 。. "I don't pay attention to what he's saying." 。

"It's like when someone is talking to you but you're not really listening," she told 。

"It's like when someone is talking to you but you're not really listening," she told 。 Mashable。. "You're there, but..."。

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Plenty of voters didn't seem worried even if they did run into bands of menacing Trump devotees.。 "Whatever you have standing there doesn't walk in that booth with me," Charlene Jackson, who works with mentally handicapped adults in Philadelphia, told。Mashable。


. "It's a private space that I walk in by myself." 。It's not as if they were taking the notion lightly. It's that, as voters churned in and out of polls in the city throughout the day, the idea that aggressive bands of Trumpians would alter the outcome of Pennsylvania began to seem like some kind of strange joke. 。"I can't see nothing transpiring that's so overwhelming that it's gonna make a difference in the vote," Verna Brown, a polling volunteer, told 。Mashable。Mashable 。. 。TopicsElections 。
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