
  发布时间:2024-09-19 23:59:02   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Millennial advisory warning: this video features corny imagery, subpar rhythm, and men who resemble 。

Millennial advisory warning: this video features corny imagery, subpar rhythm, and men who resemble your mall Santa Claus rapping to the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Utah's mostly Republican lawmakers recently decided to create a Schoolhouse Rock!-inspired video about how a bill becomes a law. The video, set to the theme from Will Smith's famous TV show, is so bad it prompted a Fox News writerto label it the "worst ever rap sequel to Schoolhouse Rock!."

SEE ALSO:Fox News is getting its own streaming service called 'Fox Nation'

And now, just what you've been waiting for ... "Fresh Prints of Bills Here":

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I'm all for Will Smith-inspired artistry. I just don't believe these very earnest lawmakers are exactly up to the task, especially when you have the great Schoolhouse Rock!original at hand.

Comic sans belongs on baby shower invites from the '90s, not this. We need to hold our nation's edu-tainers to higher standards.

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