British Summer Time made its glorious entrance last weekend, hailing a new summer of lighter evenings and great outdoor festivals.
SEE ALSO:Amazon's high-tech grocery store will let you grab a beer and walk out (almost)To make your summer even brighter, Amazon has introduced a new perk for Prime members in the UK.
From this Thursday, Amazon Ticketswill offer prime members early bird access to premium seating, VIP tickets and luxury Amazon lounges for gigs, festivals and live events across the UK.
Concert-goers and music lovers who have a Prime membership can now buy tickets for gigs, theatre and comedy at least 24 hours before they go on sale to the public.
Among the upcoming acts available at the moment are Art Garfunkel and The Darkness.
Prime subscribers can also chill on the fancy new Amazon lounge and Amazon Deck seats at the O2 Arena in London, which also includes an in-seat waiter service (!).
Other premium seating events include the British Summer Time festival in Hyde Park, where you'll be seated in the terraced grandstand sipping a glass of champagne as you watch The Killers, Justin Bieber and the Kings of Leon.
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