
With a name like Jellybean, you'd expect this joey to perhaps have a sugar rush of energy.
The resident at the Australian Reptile Park near Sydney certainly has it in bounds, after venturing outside for the first time on Monday.
SEE ALSO:Macadamia the koala joey is here to charm your socks off"Jellybean, one of our kangaroo joeys, ventured out of mum's pouch for the first time today and is loving hopping around and stretching those legs," according to a video posted on the park's Facebook page.
Newborn eastern grey kangaroo joeys are less than a gram (0.03 oz), and are raised in the pouch until they're ready to leave, according to the Australian Museum.
It takes about 9 months for a joey to wander outside of the pouch, but will continue to suckle "from time to time" until it gets independence at around 18 months old.
So Jellybean still has a little more time to go, but in the meantime we're just loving watching it takes its first few steps out in the world.
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