Simone Biles continues to be an inspirational badass.
On Tuesday, the gold-winning Olympic gymnast got extremely personal on Twitter and opened up to fans about having ADHD.
The announcement followed a report from the World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) disclosing that Russian hackers had publicly leaked confidential medical records belonging to Biles and tennis pro Serena Williams.
SEE ALSO:Relatable athlete Simone Biles had a dramatic reaction to a bee attackThe leaked data showed Biles had tested positive for methylphenidate -- a banned WADA substance -- also known as Ritalin.
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Biles posted a message on Twitter announcing that she has had ADHD since she was a child. "Please know, I believe in clean sport, have always followed the rules, and will continue to do so," she wrote.
She posted a follow up tweet reminding people that having ADHD and taking medication to manage it is nothing to be ashamed of, urging people not to be afraid to share the diagnosis with others.
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Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) allow athletes to use certain prohibited drugs if they have an illness or condition which requires the medicine, and Biles assured her fans that she believes in the importance of fair play.
The Official USA Gymnastics Twitter account also released a statement on Tuesday about the medical records, confirming "by virtue of the TUE, Biles has not broken any drug-testing regulations, including at the Olympic Games in Rio."
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