Every Halloween police departments and certain parents do the same, pretty tired thing. "Parents be warned," they say, "people are lacing candy with drugs/razor blades/poison/whatever."
These old tropes and fears are trotted out despite zero evidence that deadly Halloween candy is a thing. Also do people understand how expensive edibles are? Why in the world would anyone pass out weed candy? Why would anyone decide to kill kids at random with razor blades?
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People online latched onto that idea and began posting funny memes poking fun at the idea that some neighborhood sadist is trying to hurt kids with Halloween candy.
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The funny thing is, is it really any more ridiculous to think that people would slip Rich Dad Poor Dad into a piece of candy than a razor blade? OK, it's a bit more ridiculous because of the size impossibility. But it's a reversal of the old trope: Wealthy enclaves fear the insidious interloper, all hopped up on drugs, hurting their children. What if everyone else worried about the rich folks indoctrinating their children with the prosperity gospel?
Of course, I could also be overthinking all this. Sometimes stuff is just funny because it's funny.
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Anyway, be safe out there. And remember to check the inside of your child's candy. With reports like these, who knows what you're going to find.
Also, take at least a few pieces for yourself. You know, to test it out.
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