Curved monitors were generally introduced to make the viewing experience more immersive. If you're playing a game or watching a movie, having the edges of the monitor curve towards you can make you feel like you're in the said game or movie.
But is there a market for a vertically positioned, curved monitor? Samsung is about to find out.
On Tuesday, the company announced the Samsung Odyssey Ark, a big, curvy monitor that can be pivoted to the side and used in vertical position.
The details on the device are very scarce; we know it has a 55-inch, 4K display panel with a 16:9 aspect ratio, and comes with a wireless dial controller that you can use to manage lighting and interface. It also has a height-adjustable stand with pivot and tilt functionality.
You can also use the Ark in a standard, horizontal orientation.Credit: SamsungSamsung says all of this provides "optimal comfort," which should make it "perfect for people doing everything from editing to gaming at home." But gamers will almost always opt for a standard, horizontal orientation. And even if you stack a couple of these side-to-side for a massive, curvy, multi-monitor, vertical experience, the benefits over standard, flat monitors (or even curved monitors stacked horizontally on top of one another) are unclear. It looks cool, though.
SEE ALSO:Samsung Odyssey Neo G8 is a reasonably sized, curvy gaming monitorThere's no word on price or when the Odyssey Ark may hit the market.
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