
Mariah Carey worked on an alternative album during the 1990s while creating her own hit album Daydream, the singer revealed on Twitter Sunday morning.
Carey presented the news as a "fun fact" that wouldn't make fans scream, along with a short musical clip set to video footage of her annotated memoir, The Meaning of Mariah Carey.
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At the end of the video clip, Carey reveals that it's a song from Chick's Someone's Ugly Daughter, released in 1995 (as was Daydream). She may or may not have worked on tracks besides "Hermit," which features in the Twitter video and this sampler on YouTube. She also cites "Demented," which features the lyric "I crave you" over and over — Carey's short-lived '90s label at Sony was called Crave, a name that she said "came from a song I wrote that no one's ever heard." Um???
Knowledge is power and all that, but it isn't much else in a digital era 25 years removed from that release date. The album is almost completely unavailable for purchase (sold out on eBay and almost $1,000 on Amazon) and virtually nonexistent on streaming. Carey's tweet sounds like she recorded an entire secret album and this might just be a taste of what it contains.
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"I’d bring my little alt-rock song to the band and hum a silly guitar riff," Carey writes in a memoir preview. "They would pick it up and we would record it immediately. It was irreverent, raw, and urgent, and the band got into it. I actually started to love some of the songs. I would fully commit to my character. I was playing with the style of the breezy-grunge, punk-light white female singers who were popular at the time."
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The Meaning of Mariah Careypublishes on Tuesday.
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