
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will be interviewed at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London over sexual assault allegations on Nov. 14.
The interview could help end the deadlock that has seen Assange holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy since 2012.
SEE ALSO:Ecuador confirms it cut off Julian Assange's internet accessIn a statement, the Swedish Prosecution Authority confirmed the interview will be conducted by an Ecuadorian prosecutor with the assistance of Swedish prosecutor, Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren, and a police investigator.
Assange's DNA sample will also be taken and the results will later be reported from Ecuador to Sweden in a statement.
After the report, the prosecutors will decide whether to continue the investigation.
"I welcome the fact that the investigation can now move forward via an interview with the suspect," said Director of Prosecution Marianne Ny, who is responsible for the investigation.
Assange has been living at the embassy for over four years, having first entered its doors in June 2012.
He skipped bail to avoid extradition to Sweden over sex crimes allegations. British police insist he'll face arrest if he leaves the building.
Earlier in October, Ecuador confirmed that it "temporarily restricted" Assange's internet access and said it doesn't interfere with foreign elections — a reference to the regular email dumps targeting the Democrats and Hillary Clinton that WikiLeaks has been putting out over the past few months.
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