
There are some people with too much free time out there, but we're thankful for it.
The folks at the Gardner Police Department in Kansas were only trying to help local residents with finding a suspected mountain lion that had been spotted in the area, according to its Facebook post on Monday.
SEE ALSO:25 striking wildlife photos that show nature at its most tranquil and brutalSo it deployed two trail cameras to help detect the dangerous animal, in which it was fortunate to not find any in the images taken.
Instead, an image showing different kind of wild life showed up:

And also this one.

Okay, so there are more than two people involved in this charade.

Yeah, it's pretty weird.

Really weird.

Okay, WTF this is frightening now.

At least the Gardner Police Department saw the humour in it, thanking those costumed camera invaders it in its Facebook post. Well we think they're costumes, anyway.
"Thank you to the citizens who noticed the cameras. Your effort and sense of humor are greatly appreciated," the post reads. Full marks for commitment.
[h/t Buzzfeed]
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