
After Vern Unsworth, a British diver who helped rescue the trapped Thai soccer team, called Elon Musk's attempt at a submarine rescue "just a PR stunt" that had 'absolutely no chance of working," Musk has chosen to be angry online.
In a series of tweets Sunday morning, Musk referred to Unsworth as a "pedo," requested video of the cave rescue, retracted that request, then promised proof that his submarine could have, in fact, performed the rescue.
It's a lot.

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The tweetstorm was in response to a tweet from professor and New York Times writer Zeynep Tufekci, who wrote an op-ed arguing that Musk could learn a lesson about Silicon Valley hubris from the incident. (Her thread on celebrity intervention in rescue efforts is a great read.)
Never has a man so desperately needed to log off.
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