Burger King has announced a new artery-clogging concoction that will keep you warm this winter. Actually, it will probably just make you feel like trash, but it'll taste good going down!
The company announced in a press release the return of its Mac n' Cheetos, which is essentially a twist on a mozzarella stick, but instead of gooey cheese the inside has Mac n' Cheese and the outside is covered in Cheetos dust. This time, however, the marriage got a little spicer with the addition of Flamin' Hot Cheetos dust.
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The Flamin' Hot Mac n' Cheetos will be available starting November 30 "for a limited time at participating Burger King Restaurants," according to the fast food chain, so like, don't wait because often these ridiculous limited edition food items don't last long.
A five piece will only set you back $2.69, but can you really put a dollar amount on gluttony?
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