
British people pride themselves in their royal independence from their more powerful American cousins, but what if we told you that a Colorado man might be the rightful King of England?
SEE ALSO:The Queen just made history with this milestoneIf it sounds a bit far-fetched it's because it is.
But Allan V. Evans is not someone who gets discouraged easily.
He took out a giant ad in The Timesof London detailing with maniacal precision why he should, by right of blood, ascend the throne once Queen Elizabeth II dies.
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Evans claims to be a "a direct descendant of an unbroken primogeniture line legally documented since the 3rd century in Great Britain and registered in the Royal College of Arms".
The "unbroken" lineage, according to Evans, starts with Cunedda Wledig, the founder of the Kingdom of Wales in the 3rd century, and goes down for generations.
Therefore he gives "legal notice" to all of his relatives from the UK and in 30 days he plans to "claim his royal historic estate" comprising historic estates, lands, assets, peerage titles, armorial bearings, Royal Titles, and the Royal Title and Crown of Wales".
But Queen Elizabeth shouldn't be too worried -- Evans doesn't plan to claim the crown until after her death.
"And shall further pursue an injustice of history by claiming by right the throne and sovereign crown of Great Britain at Westminster, upon whence the sad future death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, as he will not out of greatest and most deepest respect despose her in life for the great service and selfless sacrifice that she and her husband HRH Prince Philip has rendered to this great nation," he writes.
The American is not new to eccentric historic claims.
In 2012, a man called Evans from Colorado attempted to claim 400 acres of land in Twiggs county, Georgia, which would put 35 homes, a church, and a shooting range (?) under his control.
He said his ancestors owned the land until the early 1900s but any evidence was destroyed when the country courthouse burned down in 1901.
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